What happens when students own their own learning?
They cultivate cool, geeky interests. become problem solvers. are more creative. view their mistakes as learning opportunities. develop a growth mindset. learn to experiment. learn project management. develop iterative thinking. learn to think outside the box. become explorers. become systems thinkers. are self-directed. are ready for the global creative economy.

Around the globe, educators and families long for schools to be places where children thrive -- places where students are eager to learn and to grow. We dream of learning spaces that foster a sense of curiosity and wonder, playfulness, laughter, creativity, and adventurous learning. We aspire to host educational experiences steeped in joy, camaraderie, and most of all, learning that is engaging, relevant, and rigorous. We call these lively learning spaces "vibrant schools."

Our team of researchers has developed a measure to capture these aspirations (Clement et al., 2017; Clement et al., 2018). This measure has three subscales that capture different aspects of deeper learning: enlivened minds, emboldened voices, and playful learning.

Our measure is available for free for anyone interested in moving their school community toward greater vibrance. We hope that measuring educators', families', and students' highest hopes will lead to strengths-based and inspiring conversations about how to live into these ideals (Clement et al., 2017; Clement et al., 2018; Tschannen-Moran and Clement, 2018).

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